Vibrational sound massage for harmonizing spirit and body
Sound harmonization is a treatment carried out using Tibetan singing bowls with the aim of rebalancing and harmonizing the functioning of individual cells, tissues, and organs in the body.
To better understand how it works, it is necessary to delve into the concept of sound harmonization: when we vibrate a bowl (or another sound reproducer) near or above the body, the vibrations produced set in motion the water contained in the tissues, thus reaching every cell in the body.
Our body, being composed of 70% water, receives exactly the same treatment during the massage with Tibetan singing bowls: we take advantage of this characteristic of water so that when we produce sound near or above the client’s body, the vibration gently enters it, creating a rebalancing and harmonizing effect for the life and functioning of individual cells, tissues, and organs.
The Tibetan singing bowl massage for sound harmonization in Varese lasts one hour, during which the client remains clothed.
Sound harmonization in Varese: the power of Tibetan singing bowl vibrations
The action that the vibration produced by the sound of Tibetan singing bowls exerts on the bodies and subtle energy structures includes, first of all, the Chakras. The seven main Chakras all vibrate at different frequencies but are easily reproducible by sound instruments such as Tibetan singing bowls. These energy structures are of great importance for the emotional and mental system, as well as for the endocrine system, since when a human being is “tuned in” to themselves, they will be able to organize their own existence, their own life freely, and with creativity.
Everything around us and within us vibrates at certain levels of frequency, and illness can be interpreted as a disharmony of cellular, tissue, and organic vibrations and frequencies. When these frequencies alter, symptoms, discomfort, and disease arise.
Benefits of the Vibrational Sound Harmonization treatment
During the Vibrational Sound Harmonization treatment, the sound of Tibetan singing bowls transports the person to an inner place of absolute calm and depth, which is rarely experienced. In this space of stillness, one can regain the clarity and lightness necessary to achieve a clear vision of life. This practice plays an important role in promoting and maintaining psycho-physical well-being and proves to be very effective in reducing physical pain and mental and emotional suffering.
Here are the major benefits of the massage with Tibetan singing bowls:
- Promotes deep relaxation, favours sleep, and reduces stress.
- Gently massages and harmonizes the cells of the body.
- Relieves tension and removes blockages in the body.
- Creates a sensation that the body has become calmer, lighter, and more subtle.
- Strengthens the immune system.
- Positively influences self-esteem, creativity, and energy.
- Relaxes muscles and reduces joint pain.
- Assists in letting go of old patterns and outdated beliefs.