Certified training course to become a yoga teacher in Varese
A comprehensive training recognized internationally.
200 hours of training to become a yoga teacher + 50 hours of practicum
Complete 250-hour training recognized internationally.
Diploma achievable within the calendar year.
International yoga instructors practicing worldwide.
Lo Yoga è una disciplina millenaria che apporta benefici sia fisici, che spirituali. Imparare e, di conseguenza, insegnare questa disciplina con passione e con professionalità è fondamentale per rispettare quello che lo yoga rappresenta e per rispettare coloro che si affideranno a te, futuro istruttore di Yoga, in quello che sarà, per tutti, un meraviglioso viaggio.
Per questo è importante scegliere e frequentare il giusto corso di formazione professionale per diventare un insegnante di Yoga di alto livello, in grado di farti sviluppare capacità e competenze che ti permetteranno di guidare i tuoi futuri allievi con precisione e attenzione, adattando la pratica a ciascuno di loro.
Il corso Holismos Teacher Training è una formazione completa e di alto livello, che ti fornirà conoscenza, metodi e le giuste chiavi di volta per accedere ad una disciplina millenaria e preziosa. Al termine delle 250 ore di lezioni teoriche e pratiche e dopo aver superato l’esame finale, i partecipanti riceveranno il diploma in Yoga riconosciuto a livello internazionale e rilasciato da Yoga Alliance International Europe.
Le lezioni si tengono a Varese un weekend al mese, da gennaio ad ottobre, in presenza. Compreso nel prezzo di 1450 euro (pagabile in tre soluzioni), è previsto anche il ritiro residenziale di 5 giorni.
Would you like to become a yoga teacher? Write to us:
Monday to Saturday from 10AM to 6PM
Yoga course in Varese
Become a yoga instructor and obtain a worldwide recognised diploma
The Holismos Yoga Teacher Training course is a comprehensive program lasting 200 hours, held in Varese by international instructors who teach Yoga in various parts of the world. It provides an opportunity to deepen knowledge of Yoga and learn its teaching excellently through a structured pathway in training modules. This allows for a calm internalization of concepts and practices, starting from the principles of Yoga philosophy to finding and exploring your voice as a teacher. The course covers a range of topics, including Meditation, Mindfulness, Pranayama, and exploration of Yoga Sutras, Buddhism, and Sanskrit.
The training emphasizes building a strong foundation by studying and understanding the eight limbs of Classical Hatha Yoga. This approach aims to provide an authentic and robust base, allowing exploration into modern Yoga, which is in constant evolution.
The Yoga diploma can be completed within a calendar year and consists of 200 hours of theory in Varese and 50 hours of practice. Additionally, the course includes the teaching of valuable healing techniques, making the Holismos offering even more comprehensive.
Yoga training:
choose the Yoga Alliance International certified course
The Holismos Yoga Teacher Training course is certified by the Yoga Alliance International Europe, based in India. It is a comprehensive training program to become a high-level yoga instructor, offering the opportunity to embark on a meaningful exploration journey into the world of Yoga. The program integrates aspects and knowledge from some of the most rooted and widespread Eastern healing techniques.
In this Yoga training course in Varese, our students learn to understand the body’s messages through touch, guided by teachers who, in addition to being Yoga instructors, are also professionals with many years of experience in various healing disciplines.
Course to become a yoga teacher: what you will learn
Un corso completo, profondo e strutturato che ti permetterà di interiorizzare diversi, fondamentali, insegnamenti dello Yoga, aperto non solo a chi vuole diventare insegnante di Yoga, ma anche a tutti coloro che vogliono semplicemente approfondire le conoscenze e le tecniche di questa disciplina.
Ecco cosa imparerai scegliendo il nostro corso per diventare un insegnante di Yoga di alto livello.
- Principi della filosofia relativa allo Yoga, pratica di Meditazione e Mindfulness, principi della pratica delle Asana, degli allineamenti e del Pranayama
- Anatomia, tecniche e pensiero relativo alle discipline di guarigione orientali
Would you like to become a yoga teacher? Write to us:
Monday to Saturday from 10AM to 6PM
Diploma in Yoga in Varese of 250 hours
Anatomy and physiology 20 HOURS
Eastern philosophy and healing techniques 18 HOURS
Philosophy of Yoga, Chanting and Meditation 36 HOURS
Teaching practice 36 HOURS
Study groups and in-depth study 36 HOURS
Yoga Asana and Pranayama 54 HOURS
Practicum to be carried out independently at home: 50 hours

Calendar of Lessons
The lessons of the Yoga teacher training course will take place one weekend per month, from January to October, in Varese.
14/15 January 2024
18/19 February 2024
18/19 March 2024
15/16 April 2024
20/21 May 2024
10/11 June 2024
23/24 September 2024
21/22 October 2024
Internationally recognised and certified yoga course in Varese
The Diploma in Yoga Holismos Teacher Training in Varese is organised in close cooperation with SYM and Three Treasures Yoga, two schools recognised as members of Yoga Alliance International Europe, an organisation based in India that works to promote the culture and tradition of Yoga by maintaining appropriate requirements and standards.
200-hour Advanced Course for Yoga Teachers at Mediterranean Retreats Centre
Advanced residential course on Lesvos Island
The level 1 teacher training course offers an intensive 21-day residential program, beneficial for those who wish to deepen their experience and knowledge of yoga, enhance their personal growth, and feel comfortable in the role of a teacher.
International lecturers
with many years of experience in yoga
The Holismos training program is conducted by an international team of Yoga teachers who, in addition to having many years of experience in teaching this discipline, also have diverse professional backgrounds and stories that bring an added value to the teacher training course, offering their own personal vision of classical Hatha Yoga.
Some more information on the course lecturers

Massimo Cantara
Graduated as a Yoga teacher from the international school SYM. Since 2010, he has been teaching at his own center in Italy. Founding member of "Three Treasures Yoga." In addition to the professional activity as a practitioner in Bio-Natural Disciplines and as a Shiatsu Teacher, in 1999, he founded the Holismos Center for health arts. Diploma in Cranio Sacral Balance, Kinesiologist, Shiatsu Practitioner.

Sara Della Torre
Shiatsu and Moxa practitioner at Hakusha with a diploma in the three-year master's program in Cranio Sacral Balance for Shiatsu practitioners, Vodder method Lymphatic Drainage massage, and first-level Reiki. Yoga teacher and member of the KINDER YOGA association, dedicated to promoting yoga for children with a playful and non-competitive approach. In addition to numerous certificates, she holds a diploma as a Mindfulness Educator.

Molly Coffman
In addition to being a certified Yoga teacher, Molly is an acupuncturist specialized in Chinese herbs. She earned a Master's in Oriental Medicine from the Pacific College of Oriental Medicine in Chicago and holds a Bachelor of Science in Ecology and Evolutionary Biology and a Master's in Fine Arts, Theater Arts, and Dance from the University of Arizona.

Sabino de Bari
After graduating in Physiotherapy from the University of Siena in 2002, he began his free profession at AIFIMM as a co-teacher contributing to the training of physiotherapists in the Mézières Morphological Postural Re-education method, and as a postural therapist. Added to this is Cranio Sacral Therapy learnt at the Upledger Centre Italy and learning Myofascial and Visceral Manipulation.

Laura Sangeeta Biagi
Dr. Laura Biagi trains in voice and performance at renowned schools and universities in Italy and the United States. In 2012, she graduated as a Yoga teacher from the International Center for Yoga Education and Research / Ananda Ashram in India in the tradition of Yogamaharishi Dr. Swami Gitananda Giri, combining voice and performance studies with the theory and practice of Nada Tantra Yoga.

Stefano Peschiulli
A professional dancer, he undertakes the path to become an instructor, specializing as a Movement Coach, graduating in Gyrotonic & Gyrokinesis, and becoming an authorized trainer for Teacher Training. He starts with Ashtanga, studying with Vairagya Ranko, and over the years, perfects his skills in India in Vinyasa, Hatha, meditation, and pranayama. Currently working in Spain as a trainer in Yoga and Gyrotonic Teacher Training programs.
Some more information on the course lecturers

Massimo Cantara
Graduated as a Yoga teacher from the international school SYM. Since 2010, he has been teaching at his own center in Italy. Founding member of "Three Treasures Yoga." In addition to the professional activity as a practitioner in Bio-Natural Disciplines and as a Shiatsu Teacher, in 1999, he founded the Holismos Center for health arts. Diploma in Cranio Sacral Balance, Kinesiologist, Shiatsu Practitioner.

Sara Della Torre
Shiatsu and Moxa practitioner at Hakusha with a diploma in the three-year master's program in Cranio Sacral Balance for Shiatsu practitioners, Vodder method Lymphatic Drainage massage, and first-level Reiki. Yoga teacher and member of the KINDER YOGA association, dedicated to promoting yoga for children with a playful and non-competitive approach. In addition to numerous certificates, she holds a diploma as a Mindfulness Educator.

Molly Coffman
In addition to being a certified yoga teacher, Molly is an acupuncturist specialising in Chinese herbs. She holds a Master of Science degree in Oriental Science and Medicine from the Pacific College of Oriental Medicine in Chicago, and a Bachelor of Science degree in Ecology and Evolutionary Biology and a Master of Fine Arts, Theatre Arts and Dance from the University of Arizona.

Sabino de Bari
After graduating in Physiotherapy from the University of Siena in 2002, he began his free profession at AIFIMM as a co-teacher contributing to the training of physiotherapists in the Mézières Morphological Postural Re-education method, and as a postural therapist. Added to this is Cranio Sacral Therapy learnt at the Upledger Centre Italy and learning Myofascial and Visceral Manipulation.

Laura Sangeeta Biagi
Dr. Laura Biagi trains in voice and performance at renowned schools and universities in Italy and the United States. In 2012, she graduated as a Yoga teacher from the International Center for Yoga Education and Research / Ananda Ashram in India in the tradition of Yogamaharishi Dr. Swami Gitananda Giri, combining voice and performance studies with the theory and practice of Nada Tantra Yoga.

Stefano Peschiulli
A professional dancer, he undertakes the path to become an instructor, specializing as a Movement Coach, graduating in Gyrotonic & Gyrokinesis, and becoming an authorized trainer for Teacher Training. He starts with Ashtanga, studying with Vairagya Ranko, and over the years, perfects his skills in India in Vinyasa, Hatha, meditation, and pranayama. Currently working in Spain as a trainer in Yoga and Gyrotonic Teacher Training programs.