Yoga Courses for Kids and Teenagers
Yoga is not a religion but an ancient and highly modern discipline recognized as one of the most comprehensive approaches for the health of the body, mind, and self-awareness. It is a science that helps individuals find a state of psychophysical harmony, improve balance, postural alignment, and flexibility.
The practice of Yoga is not only suitable for adults but also for kids and teenagers, as it allows them to move, have fun, and bring numerous benefits to the body and spirit.
Yoga practices designed for children and teenagers are entirely different from those created for adults, as children need more stimuli and often struggle to maintain concentration. These tailored practices for them often include games, more active exercises, age-appropriate asanas, and are integrated with music, singing, dance, and storytelling.
Write or call us to receive more information:
From Monday to Saturday, from 10:00 AM to 6:00 PM.
Yoga for Children and Teens by Sara Della Torre
When choosing a Yoga course for children and teenagers, it is important to rely on professional Yoga instructors with proven experience, capable of engaging the little ones through involvement and practicing asanas in a slow and guided manner.
Sara Della Torre, from the Holismos center in Varese, is a qualified Yoga Operator for children and schools. She aims to make techniques, methodologies, experiences, feelings, and intuitions available to children and teenagers for the promotion of their psychophysical well-being. Sara Della Torre is involved in bringing Yoga to both public and private schools, thanks to the agreement protocol active since 1998 for the teaching of yoga in schools, from preschool to high school, signed by the FIY (Italian Yoga Federation) and the Ministry of Public Education (MIUR).

The three fundamental aspects of Yoga for children and teenagers
The Yoga practices for children and teenagers offered by Holismos are based on three fundamental aspects:
The regular practice of mindful movement, relaxation, and self-control channels energy towards the subtler layers, helping children and teenagers reach infinite potentials.
Human Values
Through the Yoga practices for children and teenagers, universal ethical concepts of benevolence, reasoning, solidarity, justice, and spirituality are conveyed.
Ecological Knowledge
a sense of love and respect for animals, plants, and the environment, our great universal heritage.
Through play, movement, breathing exercises, and relaxation, Sara Della Torre stimulates children and teenagers in various ways, helping them discover their infinite potential at the physical, mental, emotional, and “spiritual” levels.
The tools used during Yoga for children and teenagers include:
Several tools are used during the practices of Yoga for children and teenagers. Here are the ones we use to engage, entertain, and accompany them in the exploration of themselves:
- Body percussion: the art of producing sounds with the body, musical experiments with bells, drums, and other percussion instruments integrated into projects to be developed based on the desired objective.

Objectives of the Yoga course for children and teenagers in Varese
The Yoga practices designed for children and teenagers bring benefits both from a physical and spiritual perspective, but not only. Here are the objectives that children and teenagers can achieve through these practices:
- Greater awareness of their body in space and reinforcement of the body schema.
- Experimenting with and perfecting individual static positions, as well as enhancing movement creativity and well-being in their own body.
- Learning and memorizing increasingly complex dynamic sequences of positions.
- Perfecting motor coordination, proprioceptive awareness, and kinesthetic awareness.
- Refining body expression.
- Experimenting with listening and controlling the breath.
- Developing self-control and discipline.
- Acquiring concentration and relaxation techniques.
- Improving the ability to communicate and relate to the group.
Yoga for Children and Teens in Varese: the activities
As mentioned, a Yoga practice designed for children and teens cannot (and should not!) be the same as a Yoga practice designed for adults. Here are the activities we propose in our Yoga course for children:
- Space exploration games.
- Group tuning games.
- Sensory and proprioceptive games.
- Games to improve motor coordination.
- Various types of dances: reflective, meditative, expressive, and energizing.
- Musical workshops, including experimental music with instruments and listening to musical pieces tuned to 432hz frequencies.
- Through music, we approach others, entering the dimension of encounter, sweetness, and the joy of living.
- Representation of fables through dynamic sequences of poses (asanas).
- Individual and group games for breath awareness and control.
- Invention of new sequences and narrative ideas.
- Activities for processing experiences through dialogue and graphic representation.
- Games to enhance concentration and listening (of oneself and others).
Write or call us to receive more information:
Monday to Saturday from 10:00 AM to 6:00 PM